Collection: Heaps Normal

The Heaps Normal journey started back in 2018, and officially launched to the world in July 2020. At the time, there were only a few non-alc beer options available, and it was a rarer sight to see one at your local bar and pub. 

Co-founders, pro surfer Jordy Smith, beer-brander Andy Miller and brewer Ben Holdstock set out to take the best bits of Aussie drinking culture and package them into great-tasting beers that have helped to normalise new ways to drink and play.

Fortunately, they weren’t alone. The shift to a more mindful drinking experience had already kicked off on a global scale...led by a quiet riot of artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, parents and 24-hour party people. It turns out reducing our alcohol consumption doesn't have to mean being boring and doesn't always mean being sober.

4 products